Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to play with your kids...

I just started this book last night, and I think it may very well be my favorite parenting book of all-time. It's entitled "Piggyback Rides and Slippery Slides: How to Have Fun Raising First Rate Children" by Lynnae W. Allred. This book has honestly been an answer to many of my prayers recently, and I can hardly wait for my kids to wake up so I can try some of this stuff on them.

Some of my favorite things I have read so far include:
  • How one of her favorite memories with her grandmother was when she took time away from all the many chores she had on their farm, and set up a little table in the living room for an impromptu tea party. Decades later, she still remembered even tiny details.
  • Bedtime is playtime - goes against everything I thought I knew, but WOW!!!
  • Playing games at dinner will bring your family closer...I am giddy to try these out tonight
  • "One of the first rules for turning work into play is to relax about the outcome and enjoy the journey more"
There are SO so so many ideas in here of games, activities, name it. I don't feel like I can share all of them because she wrote the book and not me, but if nothing else, get it from the library!!! Seriously, it's that good :)

1 comment:

John said...

Encouraging blog...........
John Phanchalad at JP Digital Tech have a very good track record in digital media marketing. To follow John you can visit on